Feel free to look around our site which we hope you will find full of information and good advice. Most sections have an "Explained" chapter to give you an understanding about the chosen subject, so if you're not sure what it's all about, try reading there first. We have been a Hi-Fi and Home Cinema shop for nearly 35 years and offer from the smallest system to the largest custom install. For public and business alike we offer a professional but personal service. Be sure to visit us for all that is best in Hi-Fi, Bespoke Home Cinema, Custom Designed Scene Controlled Lighting & Multi-Room Audio Video. If you want to see what has been added since the last time you visited, head on over to the Blog page where we cover as much as we can, even things about products we don't sell!

For your convenience, we leave all of our archived pages available without changes, this enables you to read older reviews and information. However, always remember, prices shown in these archived pages are possibly many years old, therefore whilst they may have been correct at time of publishing, they may have been superseded many times since, so always check pricing and information with us.
Please enjoy the site!

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