Hi folks. Because we're only small and are usually pretty busy, the website usually takes a big back seat. Consequently we've noticed that you can still read pages advising you on the shocking news that 78 RPM needles are now over a Shilling a pack and what the best type of Video Cassette to buy for the ultimate in performance is. So, we thought as we have a little gap between things, we better have a little bit of a refresh.

Here it is. Ta Da… A display of promising webpages full of interesting stuff and our infinite knowledge base. At least, that's the intention. In between time, there's the promise of all of this along with no doubt, any number of empty pages!

We've made sure the contacts page works, the What We Actually Do page, and we'll work on the ever popular Ex-Demo and Pre-Owned items page as soon as we can. Finally, the online shop. YES! We do actually have one, but we don't seem to have the time to keep it up to date. Never the less, we'll try to modernise it, so, like us, you can enjoy what we believe is the best choice of what's available to have in your home/aboard your luxury ship/installed on your interplanetary cruiser (just trying to stay current for a short while there by covering all the bases).

In the mean time, you can see it HERE

As always, if you need it, just contact us, and we'll do our best.
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